Reverse Bucket List, Experiences to Remember


Rory and I have been putting so much effort in making our "bucket list" for what we want to do once we hit the road. Thinking about things you want to do can make you forget all the wonderful things you have done and accomplished. The physical act of marking something off your bucket list is incredible and we shouldn't ever forget that feeling. Here's a list of many of the experiences I was able to cross off mine.
  • - Scuba dive - When I was 17, I went on a family trip with my best friend. They all wanted to scuba dive and I was so opposed to it. (God, I was obnoxious) However, I didn't have a choice unless I just wanted to watch them have all the fun. Turns out it was amazing.
  • - Visit New York City, Italy, and Switzerland - I talk about these life-changing experiences here. In short, I have seen Times Square, drank wine in Italy, and ate chocolate in Switzerland. Magical!
  • - Graduate college - Belmont University in Nashville is my alma mater. 
  • - Ride in a small airplane - I was eight and terrified. It was a six-seater and I loved it. Yep, putting this back on my bucket list and bringing my camera this time.
  • - Learn to shoot a gun - My dad was a big believer in gun safety because he was a hunter and there were guns in my home growing up. By the time I was 12, I could take apart and put together pistols and rifles. Did I ever get any good at shooting? Ehh... I could hit the target. (Rory, on the other hand, is a freakin' marksman.)
  • - Go to a music festival - I've been to many concerts and music festivals over the years. The most impactful was Bonnaroo last year. I stood side stage while Jack White performed. Seeing a sea of 80,000 people all there to watch one man perform was life affirming. It affirmed that I want to document life though pictures. 
  • - Fall in love and have a happy marriage - Yep!
  • - Be on TV - So, it was just the news and I was really dorky, but it counts. Right?
  • - Meet someone famous - Umm... I work in the music industry and live in Nashville. This could be an entire post.
  • - Go horseback riding - My best friend's family owned horses and, although I preferred their four-wheelers, I did ride.
  • - Sing a solo - I did this once and only once. Honesty moment: I was terrified of someone saying "She can't sing!", which seems ridiculous to me today. Being in choir and a singer was so much of my identity that I was afraid of someone telling me I didn't belong. 
I've also kissed at the top of a ferris wheel, rode in a limo, researched my family tree (and connected with long lost family I have in Italy), rode many many rollercoasters, and watched the fireworks at Disney World. 

Treasure the past, be excited about the future, but most importantly be present right now. Currently, I am trying to become an expert with my camera, learning Italian, building a business, and getting healthy and enjoying every minute of it.

What have you experienced? Leave a comment below and share it with us! 

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